Welcoming The Juice (Spotify for B2B Content) As Unthinkable's Q4 Sponsor

In 2016, I launched Unthinkable — my narrative style podcast about creativity at work — with a simple blog post. It was titled “How to Work In Marketing When You’re Bothered By Suck.”

Because I was.

And I am.

The show has now surpassed half a million downloads all-time, with listeners ranging from content entrepreneurs and indie creators to marketers at brands like Adobe, Shopify, Salesforce, the NY Times, the BBC, and Red Bull. Through it all, I’ve seen the power of one concept again and again: resonance.

Can we resonate more deeply with others? The goal isn’t “awareness.” It’s affinity. Great marketing isn’t about who arrives. It’s about who stays.

Want to build bigger, innovate faster, and reach higher? Learn to resonate deeper.

While creating resonant content can feel elusive, I still think it’s a learnable craft. I’m exploring that craft in both my show and my newsletter, and I’ve started to publish some of the findings as we collectively learn how to resonate.

Just as difficult or elusive as creating resonant content … is finding it.

That’s why I’m so excited to partner with a new type of B2B media company, The Juice, for a Q4 sponsorship of both my newsletter and Unthinkable. You’ll also see some collaborations on social media very soon.

The Juice aims to solve that discoverability problem. Rather than find a bunch of mediocre links through a Google search (let’s face it, that’s what those results have become), The Juice has curated a library of content from tens of thousands of the world’s best and brightest B2B teams and thinkers, with more added all the time. Like Spotify for B2B, they suggest (a) the most popular content for marketing and sales pros at that moment in time and (b) the most relevant content based on your user profile, i.e. your job function and level.

You can learn more and sign up for free here.

I’m excited about what the team at The Juice is building for a few reasons:

  • They want to increase the signal of the internet, specific to our jobs. It’s gotten so noisy, with so much redundant content and over-hyped nothingness. It has to end.

  • They’re focusing on curating and surfacing content built for people, not algorithms. So often, the most SEO-friendly is not the most human-centric — to say nothing of the creative driving these articles, ebooks, podcasts, and videos.

  • Their platform is just … beautiful. They just FEEL like a modern media company. It’s refreshing, honestly.

  • They are as frustrated as I am by the lack of original ideas in B2B content.

Learn more and sign up free >>

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Stories of creative people who question conventional thinking to create more resonant work.

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Jay Acunzo