Design My Signature Talk
Two-day Virtual intensive — $1300
Next session 📅 Tues Feb 25 + Thurs Feb 27 (off-day between)
Built for business leaders and creators using speaking to grow their businesses and evangelize their ideas.
My November 2024 bootcamp sold out. Subscribe to the newsletter to be first to access this one.
“Absolutely fantastic workshop.”
“Jay's advice made total sense, and he delivered it in way that felt conversational and didn't put me on defense. His feedback style is a skill not many have. Top it off with his leadership style and level of expertise (two things that rarely grow at the same time), and it was just a stellar, stellar class.”
—Justin Blackman (brand voice expert, with clients like Red Bull, IHG Hotels, and Amy Porterfield)
Some talks are blog posts with a runtime.
Your talk should stir hearts and engage minds.
In this bootcamp you will…
Acquire all the tools and frameworks needed to develop your signature talk.
Make meaningful progress, guided by me, in a small group setting. I’ll ensure you have clearer direction and feel greater confidence and momentum than you’d otherwise experience building your speech alone.
Your signature talk is the densest dose of your brilliance and influence you can deliver online and offline
It’s a repeatable, ever-improving speaking product you develop, hone, and distribute, opening new doors to bigger, better opportunities.
It’s the single-best way to show others (not just tell them) why they’d care about you and your ideas.
In this two-day intensive, you will:
create a draft of your signature speech and move it forward based on what you uniquely need
acquire the techniques to evolve from smart expert to trusted thought leader and storyteller
improve how you package and pitch your speech to secure more and better opportunities
ensure your speech generates follow-on business and invitations to keep speaking
Bootcamp SCHEDULE:
Everything is recorded and shared. Please note November 20 is an off day for your own solo work or other priorities.
Tues, Feb. 25 + Thurs, Feb. 27
(No programming on Wednesday.)
Both days, Session 1 is 11-12:30 ET, with optional office hours for 30 minutes to follow
Both days, Session 2 is 2:30-4 ET, with optional office hours for 30 minutes to follow
To help you as you execute after, I’m also offering a bonus office hour 2 weeks later: March 13, 1-2 ET
Topics covered:
Intro to signature speech development (rethinking what makes an effective talk)
Structuring your speech for maximum impact (making a stronger case for your ideas)
Effective storytelling in a speech (how to ensure your message sticks)
Gripping and moving the audience (crafting better opens and closes + navigating CTAs in your speech)
Our focus will shift from viewing to doing
All four sessions involve a blend of live learning, discussion/Q&A, and prompted work, but you’ll spend more time on the latter as we move through the agenda, so you can make meaningful progress on your actual talk.
Create a talk so good, attendees Curse about it
Here’s some chatter as event attendees experience the speech of a past speaking client, who debuted the speech we developed to a standing ovation:
Why a “Signature” Talk?
Your signature talk is the key to getting in front of densities of your ideal client or audience, but even more importantly, it’s the means to ensure they actually care about you, your ideas, and your offerings.
A signature talk can change your career or business, just as it changes others. It helps you communicate with greater impact everywhere, too, as it informs your webinars and speeches, but also your content and thought leadership away from your speaking.
Effective talks can be designed to differentiate your message and resonate with others, so you can stop demanding action and start inspiring it.
Your Talk should create fans, customers, and more speaking opps.
But you have to escape the commodity cage.
“You pull out the raw ideas (even when kicking and screaming) and help hone it into something brilliant. Holy Dude you’re good.”
—Sarah Stockdale (CEO of Growclass)
Who Is this for? How can I decide?
This intensive is for anyone using speaking to build their business and evangelize their ideas — but who benefits from a short burst in clarity and momentum. However, this bootcamp (and the model of all bootcamps) aren’t for everyone and every use-case, so please consider the following:
This is NOT meant to help clarify your overall message or sellable offers. I’m known in part for helping others clarify and develop their message in the form of a distinct premise and surrounding IP they own. However, you should arrive with at least some rough idea of what you are saying to the world, even if it doesn’t feel “there” yet.
You will NOT design a perfect talk in 2 days (but you will leap forward, faster, thanks to the bootcamp). Speeches are iterative and depend heavily on your rehearsal time and the number of times you both deliver a given talk and revise it based on what you learned giving it. You won’t walk away with a finished product, but then again, speeches are never really “finished” if you’re doing this work right.
A bootcamp is an intensive. That’s a specific type of learning. We’ll move fast, cover a lot, and do some active, prompted work that might make you feel a little uncomfortable, like you’re being pushed. I promise to do so with a gentle, welcoming hand, and you can always go back and watch recordings and execute the work on your own time later too. But make no mistake, this is a short burst of time meant to energize, inspire, and empower you.
Do not attend if you’re looking for lots of personalized 1:1 time with me. My job is to steward the entire group forward across our two days together, and while there’s plenty of discussion time built in (plus office hours), I’d direct you to my other services for more personalized support and time with me:
Still not sure?
Send me a message To swap emails or set up a short call
Unhappy registrants are bad for my business (and also my heart). I won’t push you to attend. I’ll be honest with you. This intensive isn’t for everyone, and even if it’s right for you, it might not be the right time.
Contact me, and we can either swap emails or set up a 10-min call.