Design My Signature Talk

Two-day Virtual Bootcamp

📅 Nov 19 and 21 | ▶️ Live sessions + active work with Jay | ✅ Leave with your signature talk

For execs, authors, and entrepreneurs using virtual or in-person speaking to evangelize their message, deliver better talks more frequently, and help support a key launch or their overall business goals.

Just 3 seats left. early bird Pricing ends Today.

Some talks are blog posts with a runtime. Other talks stir hearts and engage minds.

Whether you’re promoting a big launch or your overall business, your signature talk needs to be the latter.


Every expert and entrepreneur should have a signature talk.

Your talk is the densest dose of your brilliance and strongest instance of influence you can deliver. It’s a product you develop, hone, and distribute, opening new doors to bigger, better opportunities. It’s the single-best way to show others (not just tell them) why they’d care about you and your ideas.

In this two-day intensive, we will:

  • create your signature speech you can reliably deliver online and offline for maximum impact

  • equip you with techniques to evolve from smart expert to trusted thought leader and storyteller

  • improve how you package and pitch your speech to secure more and better opportunities

  • ensure your speech generates follow-on business and invitations to keep speaking

Early Bird Pricing Ends Today

Bootcamp SCHEDULE:

Everything is recorded and shared. Please note November 20 is an off day for your own solo work or other priorities.

Dates: Nov 19 + 21

Both days, Session 1 is 11-12:30 ET, with optional office hours 12:30-1 ET

Both days, Session 2 is 2:30-4 ET, with optional office hours 4-4:30 ET

Bonus office Hours: Dec 5

You’re also invited to an optional office hours 2 weeks after the bootcamp to discuss anything you encounter in the days since. These are held from 1-2pm ET that day.


Create a talk so good, attendees swear about it


This was the attendee chatter following my client’s first delivery of the talk we built together in fall 2024.



Why a Signature Talk?

Your signature talk is the key to getting in front of densities of your ideal client or audience, but even more importantly, it’s the means to ensure they actually care about you, your ideas, and your offerings.

A signature talk can change your career or business, just as it changes others. It helps you communicate with greater impact everywhere, too, as it informs your webinars and speeches, but also your content and thought leadership away from your speaking.

Effective talks can be designed to differentiate your message and resonate with others, so you can stop demanding action and start inspiring it.

Your Talk should create fans, customers, and more speaking opps.

But you have to escape the commodity cage.


Few things accelerate their journey to trust you like a signature talk

They go from not knowing you when you start speaking … to needing to subscribe to you, buy from you, and refer you to others. Your speech makes the case for your ideas and leads others to the same realizations you’ve had about your thinking, your perspective, and even your offerings.

Whether speaking is good for your business or it is your business, and regardless of whether you speak virtually, in-person, or both, your signature talk is the speaking product (and remember, it’s exactly that: a product) capable of securing new, bigger, and better opportunities.

Even the act of developing the talk acts as an eye-opening assessment tool to pressure test your thinking, spot holes, and fill them.

  • WHY YOU? People with substance, a service mindset, and genuine expertise should be today’s top thought leaders, not folks who obsess over the algorithm and get-followers-fast hacks. Your ability to have an impact, NOT your fame or the volume of your marketing, is why anyone should care.

  • WHY NOW? It’s time to coalesce your strongest thinking into one powerful communication product, so you can experience greater momentum both personally and professionally.

  • WHY “SIGNATURE” TALK? It’s simple. Can you sign your name to it? Can you deliver something that could ONLY come from you? Repeating the same talk doesn’t make it your “signature” talk. This is all about your ability to craft and deliver something shaped like you so they trust you and continue their relationship with you.

“You pull out the raw ideas (even when kicking and screaming) and help hone it into something brilliant. Holy Dude you’re good.”

—Sarah Stockdale (CEO of Growclass)

Sarah and I worked together to design her signature talk. After piloting her new speech on the stage for the first time, she generated direct revenue for her business and received invitations to speak at larger events, immediately.


Need some insight into my thinking?

Here’s a recent AMA about public speaking on Threads with 66 replies.

Here’s a post about how to think about calls-to-action in your talk.

Here’s another on the intricacies of humor in a virtual talk (it’s weird).

Or explore my storytelling portfolio and watch the videos under Keynote Speaking.

Next Bootcamp: Nov. 19 and 21

Two days of live sessions and active work together, with an off day in the middle.

We’ll cover…

  1. Premise and IP development: What are the parts of your thinking needed for the talk to succeed? We’ll use the early design of your speech as an assessment tool for what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, and what holes in your logic, storytelling, or teaching method you need to fill (and how to do so).

  2. Structure and flow: How do you turn years of thinking and expertise into a single gem of a talk? This starts by learning to make the logical case for your ideas so others see what you see. You’ll understand the blocks and beats of an effective talk AND learn to customize yours, but audiences will get one seamless experience—leading to those headsmack moments of understanding and passionate support.

  3. Signature stories: How do you find, develop, and deploy effective stories? It’s time to stop telling others to care about your thinking and learn to SHOW them why they should.

  4. Memorable opens and closes: Once you have the right material and flow, how do you start and end strong? These are the hardest parts of any talk, yet science suggests these are what cements their memory of you.

  5. Packaging and pitching: What makes a great speech title, description, and blurb? That’s the densest bit of copy that others ultimately use to decide whether to accept your speech as part of their agenda—and it’s why attendees would choose your talk instead of other uses of their time.

You’ll walk away with:


Your signature talk

Your talk, outlined and built out, with the content in-place and clarity around how to fill any holes.


The repeatable method

You’ll learn a method for developing more effective talks in the future, structuring your material for maximum impact and spotting missing pieces. You can use this forever, regardless of your message or business, across both virtual and in-person speaking engagements.


At least one signature story

Built to illustrate the premise of your speech and acting as the talk’s heartbeat, your signature story is something you can also take with you and use everywhere you show up. And once you understand how to find, develop, and execute a signature story, you’ll be empowered to create more.


Speech Packaging and Pitch Copy

You’ll also leave with clarity for how to more effectively name, title, and pitch your talk to ensure event organizers and potential partners agree to bring you in. Other than giving a great talk in the room or webinar, your speech’s title, subtitle, and “blurb” taken together are the single biggest reason event organizers decide to book you and event attendees decide to attend your talk.



For years, I’ve been a professional keynote speaker able to charge five-figures per speech and earn six-figures through my speaking. I’ve also given hundreds of virtual talks in support of my business, some organized by me, most as the guest speaker at others’ virtual events.

I’ve also advised dozens of experts, entrepreneurs, and execs as my clients to help them write and speak with greater impact as thought leaders and storytellers. Because it’s not just what you know that ensures others care. It’s what you say, how you say it, and how it makes them feel.

This is a skill, and the crafting of a signature talk is a repeatable process.

This guy’s thinking, “Why shouldn’t YOU be the opening keynote to the whole dang event?”

About My Public Speaking Experience

  • I’ve given talks in 25 states and 3 countries

  • …to audiences as large as 4,000 marketers and as intimate as 40 CEOs behind closed doors

  • I’ve spoken to HR professionals and HVAC entrepreneurs, higher-ed marketers recruiting new minds and dentists working on old mouths (young mouths too, for that matter).

  • Among 150 speakers at one of the marketing industry’s biggest events (Content Marketing World), attendees ranked my speech #1. (This earned me the coveted opening keynote the following year to thousands of attendees. I became the youngest speaker to ever open the whole dang thing.)

  • My speaker story has been featured in three books: The Referable Speaker (Andrew Davis and Michael Port), The Successful Speaker (Grant Baldwin), and Content Inc (Joe Pulizzi).

Through it all, I learned the craft of actively developing your speech to differentiate, resonate, and spark action in others.

Today, I’m mostly off the road to stay home with my kids. I’m much more focused on empowering others to craft their signature talks, their differentiated messaging, and their underlying premise and IP—the big idea you own, and the thinking behind it, empowering you to develop, distribute, and monetize your thinking.

A history of helping exceptional people at the top of their fields elevate their storytelling and differentiation

“Jay is a savant in all things creativity.”

Heike Young, Head of Content, Microsoft

“Jay's teaching has been much more than a how-to. He's more of a guide for creative revelation.”

Jade Wu, Author/Psychologist, Duke University

“I feel more confident as an editorial leader thanks to Jay.”

Kevin Leahy, Sr. Producer, Guy Raz’s Built This Productions


Bootcamp Details and Agenda

Two Days’ Worth of Live Material + Active Work

• Prior to our kickoff, you will be given access to our worksheet, with the structure of a signature talk listed. You’ll be asked to complete a very short exercise so we can hit the ground running Day 1.

• Each day contains two 90-min sessions, which balance the sharing of key ideas and frameworks with active exercises to make real progress on your talk, together. This also means plenty of discussion and Q&A happens during these 90-min sessions.

• We’ll repeat this same schedule on both of our days together:

    • Session 1 on both days runs from 11-12:30 ET

    • Session 2 on both days runs from 2:30-4 ET

    • In addition, to ensure you get all questions answered, I also block off 30-min following each session for an optional office hours available to you.

• All sessions happen on Zoom and are recorded and shared with you to access forever

• Also included: Implementation Office Hours 2 weeks after our bootcamp

    • This optional 60-min office hours session is meant for discussing anything you might be thinking about or struggling with as you continue to do the work following our intensive

Speech Design Worksheet

On the first day, you’ll receive your signature talk structure document, meant as equal parts working document during our time together and reusable framework, forever.

The document will make clear what pieces of your thinking you need, and in what order, to deliver a talk that successfully makes the case for your ideas, transforms audiences, and sparks action and follow-on business for you.

All Questions Answered

I’m with you every step of the way as we work through our bootcamp together. I’m there to answer all questions in 1 of 3 ways:

  1. Time during our live sessions for Q&A about the material

  2. My 30-min office hours, blocked off after each of the 4 bootcamp sessions

  3. Our bonus 60-min Q&A held 2 weeks after our bootcamp ends to cover any questions that arise as you continue doing the work

All Material Accessible for Life

When you join, you’ll get access to a special hidden link containing all materials for our bootcamp specifically. You will have access to that page for 1 year, and in that time, you can download and save anything you need, giving you lifetime access.

EnrolL now @ Early Bird Pricing

Today is the last day I’m offering seats at this price.