Speaking & Storytelling Advisor to Business Leaders

A newsletter about how to resonate

and all the storytelling, messaging, and speaking skills you need to be their favorite voice in your space

I want to help people with substance and expertise compete on the impact of their ideas, not the volume of their marketing.

When people make choices, they play favorites. Are you one of them?

You’ll walk away feeling ready to create work that could only come from you — so you can compete on the impact of your ideas, not the volume of your content.

Join thousands of entrepreneurs, consultants, and creators

plus marketers from brands like these:


What it’s all about

Note: my newsletter is now weekly, not fortnightly


What Subscribers Say:

“You are such a good writer you make me sick.”

— Mark Schaefer, 9x author + brand consultant to Adidas, Microsoft, Pfizer, & more

“I’ve been journeying with YOU since 2015. Never unsubscribed. Feel like YOU’RE my coach in creating what I love.”

Sherene Strahan, content marketing freelancer

“Wow, YES! This resonates so deeply. Direct hit.”

Stew Fortier, entrepreneur, writer, cofounder of TypeAI


 “You ever see/hear/experience something that changes the way you look at the world forever? When I first heard Jay Acunzo say “Marketing is no longer about who arrives. It’s about who stays,” it was like a piece of my brain that I couldn’t access before was unlocked.

His newsletter is a MUST for people who view their jobs as something more than simply “selling stuff” or “filling the funnel.” That’s a byproduct of what they really do: serve their audiences.”

- Adam, subscriber since 2019

“You don’t know me, but I feel like we’re old friends. This is proving absolutely invaluable. Here are something I’ve thought over the last few days: Oh my God, Yes! Why hasn’t anyone done this before? Why am I just finding out about this now? This is amazing! This is EXACTLY what I need. Can I be in love with content?!”

- Matt, subscriber since 2020

“Thank you for this newsletter!!! What I enjoy about you and your work is you are real. You speak honestly and are not out for the numbers but want to connect and create. I feel your passion in your words. Following you on social media and reading your newsletters each week keeps me grounded and from bonking my head into the wall.”

- Hadley, subscriber since 2018

“I read your latest Playing Favorites. It's been a long while since anything moved me the way your words did. And if that isn't art, I don't know what is.”

Akshaya, subscriber since 2021