Unthinkable with Jay Acunzo
An inside look at the unconventional choices of quality-obsessed creators – and the memorable things they made as a result. It's a show about trusting your intuition and your craft more than best practices and blueprints.
Since 2016, Unthinkable has inspired creators to ship more personal, powerful work. In the era of AI and infinite content, this work is now urgent. Our stories have featured voices like Hrishikesh Hirway, Tim Urban, Chase Jarvis, Sarah Cooper, the CEOs behind Yoga with Adriene, New Rockstars, Patreon, and Zoom, execs from Disney and Adobe, and hundreds of craft-driven creators who obsess over resonating deeper.
Jesse Cole, owner of the world’s most Unconventional baseball team, the Savannah Bananas
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🎵 🤯 Song Exploder-Exploder: Hrishikesh Hirway picks apart his legendary podcast and, piece by piece, tells the story of how it’s made. Plus, why something that feels obvious now still had a moment that felt risky back then — and how we all might approach these exciting but uncertain moments.