What writing is

Writing isn’t about having all the answers and sharing them. Writing is an act of exploration. It’s about saying, “I’m on a journey of understanding, and you’re invited to join.”

Rarely if ever in a writer’s career should a project begin with the assumption that they’re sharing answers. Instead, the act of writing is the act of constantly honing and improving and changing one’s thoughts.

I think of it like a big map—one labeled What I’d Like to Understand, or maybe simply Everything One Could Understand. At first, the map is all covered in shadow, save for a tiny spot where I stand. The more I write, the more the map slowly becomes visible. Every time I write, it’s like taking a few steps in this direction or that direction.

Bit by bit, more of the map’s shadows disperse, and we can see just a little more clearly.

And since I’m going to die someday, I better write a LOT — it’s the only way to get in more steps before I can’t explore any longer.

You should write more. Write a blog. Write a newsletter. Write a book. Just don’t sit there wishing you had more answers in order to start writing. Because that’s not what writing is.

Write to understand. Write to explore. Just whatever you do: write. You’ll be amazed at what you start to see more clearly.

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Jay Acunzo