An underrated trait in a leader

I hate posts that start, “I was recently talking to someone who said…”

But sometimes, you’re sitting by the beach, wishing your brain was capable of actually taking a vacation, and then you open up a draft of a new blog post, and all you can think of is saying this:

I was recently talking to someone who said… (eh, it works) … “My boss thinks the project is fine, it’s good enough.”

We were discussing the need for any creative project to get reinvented over time.

The message was clear: “My boss doesn’t want to keep improving. He wants to find a steady state and leave it untouched and as is.”

An underrated trait in a boss, and an easy way to vet any job opportunity: Does leadership care about constant improvement? Are they ever satisfied? Do they settle? Does “good enough” sound good enough for them?

You can’t control your boss, but you can control which boss you work for. Life is short. Don’t settle. Don’t become great at “good enough.” All this work is, in the end, is the act of constant improvement. Don’t let anyone stand in the way of yours, no matter what.

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Jay Acunzo