Only 2 ways to adapt


You can adapt yourself to your environment or adapt your environment to you.

Adapting yourself to your environment is called Autoplastic adaptation. Adapting your environment to you is Alloplastic.

We need elements of both in our lives. There are things we can’t change about the environment and ourselves — and things we can.

For instance, becoming more mindful so you can respond instead of react is a key way to adapt yourself to your environment. Rallying others to a movement you’re leading by publishing content regularly and with purpose of mission is a way to adapt the environment to you. So is something smaller, like choosing to work in the den and not the bedroom to try and establish a healthier balance.

When you feel stressed, it could be a sign that something needs to change. But what? I can’t give you the specifics, but you can start with the general direction. Is an autoplastic or alloplastic change necessary? Are you changing to fit the environment or changing the environment to fit you?