Storytelling Masterclass


👉 The latest live class has passed. You can still purchase the full recording, including my presentation + story dissections + audience Q&A … plus, receive my slides and a resource sheet from the masterclass.

“One of the most valuable 60-minute blocks I’ve experienced”

“I was in today's Storytelling Masterclass and just wanted to say THANK YOU for one of the most valuable 60-min. blocks I've experienced in some time. Well done. Clients and colleagues of mine will soon grow tired of me talking about what I learned.”

— Maxx, a writer and brand strategist from Chicago

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If you are…

  • Driven by an internal fire to make a difference

    (But, OMG, if someone throws water on it one more time…)

  • Determined to create more ambitious, fulfilling work

  • Disillusioned by shortcut culture and the latest “hacks”

…Good. you’re in the right place.

* * *

a 1-hour break from the usual onslaught of the usual.

The usual encourages us to settle, not reach.

The usual wants cheaper, not better.

Most insidious of all, the usual misinterprets what shipping creative work requires.

Creativity doesn’t mean big. In reality, more resonant, higher-impact work is built in the minutiae. It’s the daily practice, the micro-moments, and the refreshing wrinkles that determine our work. So let’s dive into THAT, together.

We’ll discuss some foundational philosophies and tiny techniques, learn how to overcome some common barriers, and use clips from my narrative show, Unthinkable, to see these things in action — with plenty of Q&A time.

I’ll DISSECT Audio Stories as the doorway, but this class serves all of House Storyteller

(It’s like Gryffindor but with Way more coffee)

“Jay is a savant in all things creativity.”

Heike Young, Director of Content, Salesforce

“Jay’s content goes deeper than anything else out there.”

Ash Read, Editorial Director, Buffer

“You can go ahead and create more content. Or you can create something special that stirs hearts and engages minds. If you are the kind of person who wants your work to really matter, listen to Jay. He’ll be your perfect guide.”

Ann Handley, WSJ Bestselling Author, Everybody Writes

You’ll Feel inspired + Walk Away with…

  1. Knowledge of where to focus in your work to elevate your stories — without needing to increase your budget.

  2. Frameworks and techniques that form the basis for better creative work. (Not directions. A compass. So you can navigate to wherever you’re trying to go.)

  3. A sneaky kind of “X-ray vision.” Knowing the tiny things that make up the whole means you can raid any other created work for reasons why it works — and what you can borrow from it.


Join us for a deeper look at the creative craft than any basic baloney vying for higher search rank. This class will not share yet-more obvious tips. You’ll find no “hacks” here — just an honest, inquisitive look at crafting more resonant stories.

This is a forthcoming and vulnerable look at the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the messy, confusing, inspiring, addicting, GLORIOUS truth. (Here’s a freebie: maybe use fewer adjectives...)

Join me, Jay Acunzo, and a group of your peers who are all here to do the same thing in our work:

Make what matters.