Design My Signature Talk

November 2024 Bootcamp Materials

Thank you for a great Bootcamp!

This page will be available to you for 1 year.


🎁 To say thanks for being a bootcamper, please accept these 2 gifts from me:

  1. If you plan to enroll in my Creator Kitchen membership, use code FRIENDOFAFRIEND for $100 off your subscription for every year you're a member

  2. If you need more personalized 1:1 support from me, you can receive $500 off my coaching call bundle. Typically, I offer 4 hours for $3k, but you can book the same number of hours for $2500.

Keep making what matters!


Bootcamp Resources & Materials

⭐ Please be sure to grab the template via this button. It’s the working doc we’ll rely on. ⭐

The thought leader’s IP pyramid — my essay sharing a visual framework to help you craft the necessary material to show up publicly with greater power, informing your content + your speeches.

(Use the resource linked above to craft a custom pitch for your talk to get booked more easily.)

(Use the resource above if you plan to get paid directly to speak.)

Guidance for setting your speaking fee [infographic]

Essays, episodes, and videos to help you think differently and better about this work as a public voice and leader:


Everything is recorded and shared. Please note November 20 is an off day for your own solo work or other priorities.

Dates: Nov 19 + 21

Both days, Session 1 is 11 - 12:30 ET, with optional office hours 12:30 - 1 ET

Both days, Session 2 is 2:30 - 4 ET, with optional office hours 4 - 4:30 ET

2 bonus office Hours: Dec 3, 3-4 ET + Dec 5, 1-2 ET

You’re also invited to two different, optional office hours 2 weeks after the bootcamp to discuss anything you encounter in the days since.

Session Recordings + Slides

Day 1, Session 1

Day 1, Session 2

Day 2, Session 1

Day 2, session 2

Office Hours