How dare they?

How dare they decide whether you will or won’t launch?

How dare they judge your work before you’ve had a chance to improve?

How dare they determine if your idea is worth pursuing?

The thing is, there are two types of projects. If you want to commercialize and monetize something, then they are indeed the arbiter.

But then there are those glorious projects that are purely for you. They aren’t about money or fame. Those projects are about fulfillment and improvement. Those projects about skill development and self expression. And they? They have no say at all.

But you do. So now we each need to decide: what’s this project really for, and do they have a say? Chances are, we’re each sitting on an idea that isn’t for anyone but ourselves, and yet we aren’t acting on them for fear of what they would say.

Two types of projects. Figure out which your idea actually represents: for you or for them. Then proceed accordingly.

Jay Acunzo