Nobody watches you work out

To whoever might need to hear it: You making that thing you're making just for fun ... that's enough. Nobody is reading, watching, listening, downloading, whatever-ing? That's okay. That's not the point. They also don't show up to watch you cook or work out.

Making something -- anything -- especially right now is cathartic, and healing, and empowering, and just friggin' fun.

The simple fact that we all live at a time when nobody can tell you "No" -- you can launch a side project and consistently ship your work whenever you want, however you want. That is reason enough to do it. It should be reward enough, too.

There's too much of a premium placed on making it "big." What about just ... making it? Or, better yet, making it YOURS?

Side projects are your creative gym. They're your home kitchen. You'll get stronger and more flexible in ways sometimes hidden even to you.

Regardless of how much time you have, and certainly how much of an audience you have/don't have, the fact remains, you can open a notebook or a laptop ... and tinker. That's amazing.

What will you cook up?

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Podcast: Unthinkable, questioning conventional thinking to do something better.

Speaking: I’m offering highly-immersive virtual keynotes during this social distancing period.

Jay Acunzo