Free chapter of my book

Just a quick thank you today for supporting my work! I couldn’t make things for a living, nor could I teach and evangelize these ideas, without your encouragement, readership, listenership, and enthusiasm for what I do.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Please enjoy a free chapter of my book, Break the Wheel. This is Chapter 1, and it’s available for reading here. (To download it, click the button in the top right of the screen.

In this era of infinite advice and information, it has never been easier to be average. It’s like we’re stuck on this endlessly spinning wheel of best practices, conventional wisdom, and trendy new tactics — each just a spoke on that wheel. It’s a wheel of endless settling for “good enough,” and infinite average work.

You have a real opportunity to be the kind of person that rallies people towards something better. You can be the type of person who raises their hand and asks the tougher questions that can’t simply be googled. Because remember: Finding “best practices” isn’t the goal. Finding the best approach for you is. Embrace that idea, and you’ll become what we desperately need more of in a world drowning in average work: the exception.

Go break the wheel.

Jay Acunzo