Asymptotic jobs

There are some jobs that require you to constantly stretch yourself. You’re never able to settle, because you’re never able to automate away all the creativity, the ingenuity, and the human element. These are the jobs — and the people — the world needs more than ever. These jobs — and these people — solve meaningful problems, create connection, and make the world better.

Asymptotic jobs operate much like asymptotic formulas: they race towards zero.

Turning cranks ever-faster, pressing buttons in the automation system, shipping someone else’s design without further thought, writing the copy completely and utterly to spec — rote tasks, brainless tasks, tasks that require calories but not creativity. These are asymptotic jobs.

When we have a point of view, loudly shared, it serves as helpful friction. It brings those we aim to work with way into our corners, repelling those we don’t want to serve. When we have ownership and bring our full selves, we naturally move away from asymptotic jobs.

Look hard at the job you have. Is it asymptotic? If not, the world needs you. If it is, and you can afford it financially, consider making a change. Don’t spend another second racing towards zero.

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Jay Acunzo