It’s okay to change it

If you’re not sure where to start, why not just start?

If you’re creating a system to measure something, and you need a set number of points to count something as good, just pick 10. Why not? You will quickly learn whether the scoring system needs to be altered later.

If you’re drafting a model to explain a big idea in a single chart, and you’re not sure how many slices to divide the pyramid into, just try four. What’s stopping you? Add or subtract as you present the idea and get feedback.

If you’re developing a character, or a marketing plan, or a list of objectives, or a feature set, just pick what feels like the right blend of things you’ve learned and smart guesses. You will inevitably evolve the character, tweak the plan, change list, and alter the product. Why pretend like the draft is anything but?

We look for the “right” answer to justify acting. Turns out it’s far more productive (and realistic) if we act to find our answers. The thing is, everything is an assumption. Even in the sciences, they refer to the tried and tested ideas as “theories” for a reason. They know, as should we all:

It’s okay to change it.

Jay Acunzo