How work makes you feel

How does the work make me feel?

It’s a really simple question, but it can have a profound effect on one very specific thing: how you approach creative work that has no “correct” answer.

Not sure where to start or when? Pick a place, pick a style, pick a path into it right now. Whatever feels right. Then create a little bit. Stop. And ask.

How does it make me feel?

We waste endless time (which we can’t get back) over-thinking where to start, how to carefully plan every last move. The only consistent through-line you’ll find among prolific creators is that their work inevitably changes from where it began. The starting point is not THE point.

So pick something that feels okay right now, then gut-check yourself as you go. Examining the way the work makes you feel is only possible when you actually ship the work.

Don’t think about the ideal approach or project. Don’t try to “find” your passion. Just start. Then ask the same question every few steps, adjusting accordingly:

How does it make me feel?

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Jay Acunzo