Don’t market more. Matter more.

I help experts become storytellers. I work with entrepreneurs, execs, and business leaders to help them say something that matters and ensure others deeply care. Together, we develop your differentiated premise and message, craft owned IP, and bring your ideas and leadership to life through signature speeches and stories. In a world focused on reach, your ability to resonate matters most to grow your business & cause.

Made in collaboration with Pennant Video.

💛 click to see my Storytelling Projects - Scroll To see my Services ⬇️


Your Peer-Level thought partner & Exec. Producer

I support experienced entrepreneurs and business leaders who are ready to elevate their public voices, craft signature talks and thought leadership projects, and assume the posture of a storyteller everywhere they go.

🤝 Work with me 1:1 to develop speeches, stories, messaging, and I.P.

🗓️ Enroll in my Bootcamps to develop your signature talk

👨‍🍳 Join the Creator Kitchen for subscription access to classes & coaching

👋 For brands and events:

Hire me to speak, explore my influencer programs, or inquire about booking me as your leadership team’s or your event’s dedicated speaking-and-storytelling coach.


“I’m getting so many more passionate replies to my work.”

“Jay’s commitment to craft is contagious. Even rarer, he’s skilled at breaking down and explaining how to assemble specific ingredients for achieving greater resonance in your work.”

—Jenny Blake (speaker, author, and podcaster with >2m downloads; ex-Google learning & development leader)


Holy dude you’re good.”

“You pull out the raw ideas (even when kicking and screaming) and help hone it into something brilliant.”

—Sarah Stockdale (CEO of Growclass)


Compete on the impact of your ideas, Not the volume of your marketing

The impact of an idea is directly proportional to its value + its originality. It’s time to escape the commodity cage.

✅ You’re smart enough. ✅ You’re expert enough. ❌ But your IP may not be strong enough.

Where are you on the Idea Impact Matrix?


“Jay helped me serve a bigger audience & build my platform in my own unique way.”

“It felt like he had known me for years. He made my message super clear and powerful to both me and others — waaaaaaay better than I could have done alone. In a few short conversations, he totally understood my voice and gave honest feedback throughout.”

—Shawn Shepheard (business coach, speaker, and podcaster)


Hi, I’m Jay.

My mission is to help others make what matters to their careers, companies, and communities. My premise is that we should all prioritize resonance over reach to grow our businesses, audiences, and causes.

I was an early voice in the rise of content marketing, emphasizing quality, creativity, and storytelling in jobs at Google, HubSpot, a tiny startup, and a premier VC firm (NextView Ventures).


Since starting my business in 2016, I’ve written books, built a six-figure speaking business (with speeches in 25 states and 3 countries), partnered with brands like Mailchimp, Salesforce, GoDaddy, Wistia, Podia, and Help Scout, and consulted some of the most incredible voices leading the way in their respective niches, helping them turn their thinking into IP and their IP into speeches, shows, messaging, and thriving businesses.

Storytellers know how to do one thing better than the rest: ensure others care

It starts with going beyond “creating content” to learn to craft your thinking into IP: your big idea and all the thinking behind it. This empowers you to develop, distribute, own, and monetize your ideas.

This is about so much more than building a following. This is about making an impact.

Despite what internet gurus would have you believe, you don’t need clickbait or grimy tactics. You need to dig down to the root of your perspective, develop that into readily apparent language and ideas, and distribute that through thought leadership and storytelling. In short, substance can still stand out—if it arrives with story.

Imagine a room full of your ideal audience, and the person they mention most when discussing their work is you.

Your peers, your industry’s influencers and analysts, and your ideal customers or clients are all together. They swap notes, discuss trends, and share their opinions — but a handful of them can’t stop repeating the same phrase before they speak:

“It’s like [YOUR NAME] says…”

They quote you, cite your ideas, and share your frameworks and stories. Those who don’t know you whip out their phones and join your email list. This represents something more important than followers: actual influence. You didn’t resort to hollow stunts to juice reach. You shared thinking capable of resonating. (That makes the reach bit easier and stickier.)

You can’t “own your audience.” But you can own an idea in their minds.

That’s the power of a well-developed premise and the surrounding IP that helps you grow.

That’s the power of a storyteller.


You Need a peer-level collaborator and idea partnernot a “simple system” printing generic work

👋 Just like my client, Michelle Warner.

Michelle is a “best kept secret” among entrepreneurs who sell services for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, helping them craft their business models and their marketing strategies.

Her audience is discerning, and Michelle needs to be even more choosy so before hiring an outside voice to help her.

“Enter, Jay” she says.


“He's just that good. He knows what's gonna work, and he also knows how to make it work for YOU. Hire Jay. He gets it, and he's worth it.”


Finally say what you’ve been trying to say — and draw a coherent circle around everything you do

👋 Just like my client, Susan Boles.

Susan is a fractional COO and CFO who also sells bootcamps and other educational offerings to help her clients.

But things felt stagnant and more difficult than in previous eras of her own business.


“The more we worked together, the easier it made everything else in my business. It’s all starting to connect.”

“I can see how my next offering comes from this. I can see how content comes from this because it’s not just tons of random things, but all beats of the premise. I can see how my sales are easier because of this.”


when your Ideas feel more like you, You feel more like this:

[Pictured: online training company CEO // Fortune 100 SVP-turned-author // freelance writer // habit and career coach.]


“A second-session was a no-brainer”

“I never had a creative partner until hiring Jay. He is so strategic and ruthlessly practical. My work ended up lightyears ahead.”

—Mia Quagliarello (Head of Creator Community, Flipboard; prev. Apple, YouTube, Viacom)


Substance, You need style.

Advice, You need story.

Expert, You need IP.


“You can go ahead and create more content. Or you can create something special that stirs hearts and engages minds. If you are the kind of person who wants your work to really matter, listen to Jay. He’ll be your perfect guide.”

Ann Handley (WSJ Bestselling Author of Everybody Writes; globally touring speaker; Partner at training org MarketingProfs)


Explore Jay’s Storytelling


How Stories Happen


What does it take to resonate? On How Stories Happen, experts, entrepreneurs, and world-class communicators dissect their signature stories piece by piece. We explore how they found their stories, how they developed their ideas, and how they're using a given story to grow their business and leave their legacy. Hosted by Jay Acunzo.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Hear the Trailer


Presenting Sponsor:



Against the Grain

I partnered with the brand Help Scout to create a three-part docuseries about businesses who believe there’s a better way to build than growth-at-all-costs.


Doing my best Bourdain

(My storytelling hero)



Break the wheel


Build Your Way

Question best practices. Trust your intuition. Do your best work.

With a diverse range of real-world stories, Break the Wheel offers a simple but powerful way to think for yourself when surrounded by endless advice and conventional wisdom. Say goodbye to average work and hello to doing your best.