my Approach in 3 phrases
This is a technique called “laddering down” your ideas to connect with others. Read about it here.
1️⃣ Don’t market more. Matter more.
When your work matters more, you can hustle for attention less. More and more experts, storytellers, and thinkers share their ideas publicly than ever before. It’s tempting to run faster on the hamster wheel, sharing yet-more expertise and ideas. But so much of that stuff has been commodified. It might be valuable, but I can get it anywhere. YOU are not “anywhere.”
2️⃣ Think resonance over reach.
Reach is how many see it. Resonance is how much they care. It’s the energy to act they feel when a message or moment with you aligns so deeply with them, they feel amplified. Without action, we don’t see results, so while most obsess over reach, resonance is what drives results. Do you enusre they deeply care? Can you inspire them to act?
3️⃣ Don’t be the best. Be their favorite.
We spend so much time trying to convey to others we’re the right one to choose, the top pick … the best. But that’s nonsensical. We can’t determine that, and if we could, it wouldn’t matter. That’s not why people make choices. We are not rational. We’re emotional, then we rationalize our choices later. When we have infinite options, we go with the ones we feel emotionally connected to, the ones who resonate deepest — and the pinnacle of resonating is to become their favorite, their personal, preferred pick for a specific purpose.